Grupo Almina:
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Environment and Nature

EPDM creates environmental conservation and protection initiatives, promoting several measures to minimise and control environmental impact.
Sustainability implies balance and awareness of responsibility between generations. EPDM wants to be a part of the solution of environmental issues.
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Water is an essential resource that must be preserved. Access to water is a basic human right, fundamental to subsistence and essential to the maintenance of healthy natural environments. EPDM’s contribution is made through the rational and efficient management of this resource.
Water resources are conserved so that they may continue to support healthy ecosystems and sustain economic growth.
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EPDM optimises its energy equipment. Adopting sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity.
EPDM’s solutions involve rationalisation in energy usage inside and outside the company and promote improvement of social and environmental conditions so as to contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions and consumption of green energies.
EPDM establishes energy consumption reduction strategies and strongly invests in “green innovation”.