Grupo Almina:


The company is fully aware of its social responsibilities and that its activities may include risks in terms of work health and safety and also potential environmental impact and, as such, adheres to the following guidelines:
  • Compliance with the legal and normative requisites of clients and others the organisation subscribes to in the fields of Quality, Environment and Work Health and Safety;
  • Environmental prevention, reduction and monitoring to minimise potential risks and impacts, avoiding pollution, optimising waste management and minimising the emission of pollutants; so as to ensure the development of its activity in conformity with environmental protection.
  • Promotion of safe and healthy working conditions by preventing injuries and health problems;
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  • Active involvement of workers in the consultation and participation in the fields of Work Health and Safety;
  • Elimination of hazards and risk reduction in Work Health and Safety;
  • Compliance with good practices and guarantee of quality of provided services;
  • Valorisation of collaborators through continuous commitment to training and knowledge updating in order to constantly improve their competences and the performances of their duties;
  • Establishing objectives and goals with systematic evaluation of results to guarantee continuous efficiency and improvement.
The assurance of compliance with EPDM’s objectives is everyone’s task and responsibility.